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Student Walk/Bike Routes

District 65 works closely with the City of Evanston Traffic Engineer and Evanston and Skokie police departments to maintain student bike/walk routes to and from school.

All families should familiarize themselves with school traffic patterns and procedures for the safe drop-off and pick-up of their child. Procedures are regularly communicated by our schools and are in place to help ensure the safety of the community. 

Safety Tips

Please practice the following safety tips with children:

If your child walks to school…

  • Cross only at crosswalks
  • Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street
  • Obey school crossing guards, school patrol members, and crossing signals
  • Do not walk, talk and text (If texting, move out of the way of others and stop on the sidewalk)
  • Never cross the street while using an electronic device
  • Do not walk with headphones on
  • Show your child where each street should be crossed
  • Help them learn on which side of the street to walk
  • Teach children why it is important to cross at the crosswalk
  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially in congested areas

If your child bikes to school…

  • Use the bike routes
  • Obey all the signs and signals
  • Wear a helmet
  • Be seen, use lights and reflectors
  • Do not bike with headphones in your ears.
  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially in congested areas

If you drive your child to school…

  • Slow down! Travel with caution and obey all posted signs in school zones
  • Try parking a few blocks away and walk to school to practice safe walking habits with your child
  • Teach your child how to use the street curbside adjacent to the school for pick-up and drop-off
  • Remember to turn off your engine and avoid idling in school zones
  • Don't double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles
  • Don't load or unload children across the street from the school
  • Carpool to reduce the number of vehicles at the school