D65 and City of Evanston Recycling Art Design Competition
2024 Winning Art Design by August, Beatrice, and Lailah
Congratulations to King Arts 6th Grade students August, Beatrice, and Lailah, whose original graphic design (image above) will adorn a City of Evanston recycling truck in the new year!
The students’ design received the most votes in the Recycling Truck Student Art Design Competition, hosted by the City and District 65. In honor of America Recycles Day (November 15), the annual contest challenged students to create original artwork illustrating the dangers of putting batteries in the recycling bin. Keep an eye out for the newly wrapped truck around Evanston in 2025!
2023 Winning Art Design by Isabel Morales
Congratulations to Chute Middle School 7th Grader Isabel Morales on winning the Recycling Wrap Art Design Competition in the Fall 2023! In honor of America Recycles Day , D65 students were asked to create a recycling truck art design to be displayed on a City of Evanston recycling truck.
Out of 29 designs and 675 votes, Isabel's art earned the most votes. Be on the look out for this beautiful butterfly artwork buzzing around town.
2022 Winning Art Design by Zeynep Bilgic
November 15 is America Recycles Day. In the Fall 2022, the City of Evanston and District 65 asked middle schoolers to help illustrate why recycling plays a vital role in being good stewards for the planet.
Why is Recycling Important for the Earth?
The Evanston community submitted their votes and the winning design was placed on a City of Evanston Recycling Truck, announced at the City Council meeting on November 14, 2022.
Zeynep Bilgic, an eighth grader at Chute Middle School, was named the winning illustrator out of five middle school finalists. As a student in the advanced art program, she said she was interested in the contest concept, adding, “I also support recycling and doing something about climate change.” More than 400 people voted in the competition — way to go, Zeynep!
Keep an eye out for her design rolling around town, as the image of a dolphin balancing the earth on its nose will be printed and wrapped on a City recycling truck.