Emergency Closings
Emergency Closing Information
On rare occasions, it may be necessary to close District 65 schools and centers due to extreme temperatures, inclement weather, or other emergency situations. The decision to close schools is always a difficult one, yet is made with the safety of students and staff in mind.
As an alternative to canceling school, the District may choose to enact an E-Learning Day. This means that teaching and learning will take place virtually and school buildings will remain closed. E-Learning Days count as a day of student attendance and do not need to be made up at the end of the school year. As part of the district's state-approved E-Learning Plan, up to (5) E-Learning Days can be used per school year.
In the event of a school closure or change to the regular schedule, the district will communicate with staff and families as follows:
- Automated phone call, email, and text message via Blackboard mass notification system
- Announcement on District 65 website (www.district65.net)
- District 65 Mobile App
- Emergency Closing Center (www.emergencyclosings.com)
- District 65 Facebook and Instagram social media accounts
- Local newspapers, TV, and radio stations
Please ensure that the most current contact information is on file with the district. Any changes can be made via the Powerschool Parent Portal, by email to registrationinfo@district65.net, or calling 847-859-8065. District 65 staff members can access the 'Change of Information Form' by navigating to the 'Employees' section of our website and selecting 'Human Resources'.
The community should assume that school and before and afterschool activities will operate on normal schedules unless otherwise notified.
- E-Learning Day or Snow Day?
- Late Starts
- How does District 65 make the decision to close schools?
- Inclement weather procedures (when school is in session)