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Digital Learning Resources

Digital Learning Resources for Students

Students enrolled in District 65 schools have access to a variety of digital learning resources. The majority of the resources are available through Clever, a single sign-on platform, so that students can access a variety of digital learning resources, without having to input additional login information. Below is a list of digital learning resources, a quick description, and access information for many of the resources students have access to.

Self Service App

Please note, on iPads, D65 K-2nd and 6th-8th grade students use the App Self-Service to download approved Apps onto their iPads.  If an app exists in Self-Service, students must first install the App in order for Clever to open it properly.


Clever Login

Google Drive

Google Drive

library database

Library Database

Clever Login Instructions

Clever App

Students and educators can access Clever through the Clever app on iPads or the Clever login page on a web browser. Students can log in to Clever by using their Clever login, which is their D65 Google credentials, or by scanning their Clever QR code badge (grades PK-2) when opening the Clever app on iPads; if applicable, educators will share Clever badges with students each school year.

Digital Learning Resources Descriptions and Access Information