EvanSTEM is a public-private partnership project housed within District 65 with the goal of creating an Evanston ecosystem of STEM educators, program providers, industry leaders and professionals to increase underrepresented student success in STEM programs, courses and ultimately careers.
EvanSTEM seeks to improve access and engagement for students who have traditionally underperformed or have been underrepresented in STEM programs.
EvanSTEM's MISSION is to coordinate partnerships and programs to build relationships with underrepresented students along STEM pathways to and through high school into college and career.
EvanSTEM's THEORY OF ACTION states that early interest and engagement in impactful STEM experiences among underrepresented youth leads to positive STEM identities and continued pursuit of STEM experiences – if AVAILABLE, ACCESSIBLE and fostered via meaningful adult RELATIONSHIPS.
EvanSTEM News & Events
Kirby Girolami Callam
Director, EvanSTEM
p (847) 859-8059
f (847) 866-7241
EvanSTEM's Citywide Challenges
Annual citywide challenges develop middle school competencies in coding, prototyping, production, and presentation.
EvanSTEM in the News:
- December 8, 2020: Sixty District 65 Students Rise to EvanSTEM's Challenge
- June 22, 2020: A Look Back at EvanSTEM's Pandemic Spring
- January 30, 2020: First Cardboard Carnival at Evanston Public Library Draws 24 Arcade Games
- July 17, 2019: Meet Evanston: a Mid-Sized Climate Powerhouse
- May 15, 2019: District 65 Sixth Graders Tackle Climate Change
- February 7, 2019: EvanSTEM and EPL to Offer Six STEM Mini-Camps This Summer
- September 20, 2017: Makerspaces Bring Hands-On Learning to Underserved Evanston Kids
- June 3, 2017: Fifth Ward STEM Fest a Big Success
- June 1, 2016: Fifth Ward STEM Fest Draws Many Residents, Scores a Big Success
- September 8, 2015: EvanSTEM: A Community-wide Collaboration to Improve STEM Learning Opportunities in Evanston