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Caregiver Council for Disability Inclusion (CCDI)

The mission of the D65 CCDI is to facilitate partnership and collaboration between families of children with disabilities and the School District. The goals are to promote understanding of and respect for children with disabilities, as well as inclusion of and improved outcomes for them in school and in the larger community. In short, we seek to nurture a sense of belonging for all. To those ends, the D65 CCDI will work to:

  • Create a network for families of children with disabilities and provide a forum to share information;
  • Advise the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services on operations and development of individualized education programs, training needs for educators, students and families, and related policy;
  • Stay current on public policy issues that impact District 65 and advocate on behalf of the membership with outside organizations;
  • Promote communications and programs within the community that encourage increased understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for all;
  • Provide informational forums and training to families, educators, students, and other related professionals.


If you are interested in receiving communication from the D65 CCDI, please be sure to signup for the council's email list and stay connected with upcoming events and opportunities.