Professional Learning
The Professional Learning department coordinates efforts of staff at the district and school level as well as with external partners to design, implement, support and monitor high-quality professional learning.
Director of Professional Learning
The Director of Professional Learning establishes and coordinates system wide professional learning. This includes collaborating with staff at the district and school level, as well as external partners to design and implement high-quality professional learning while ensuring compliance with standards of professional learning, as well as Board policies.
Professional Learning Manager
The Professional Learning Manager assists with the district-wide responsibility for coordinating professional learning and provides district level support for magnet programs aligned to the district strategic plan. The Professional Learning Manager collaborates with District leadership, schools, and coaches to support professional learning that accelerate learning outcomes for Black and Latinx students.
Content Facilitators
Content Facilitators provide coaching and support in designated content area(s) and/or program(s). The team of educators collaborates with instructional coaches across the district for the purpose of improving student outcomes. Content facilitators support is available in the areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Social Studies and Multilingualism.
- Content Facilitator Professional Learning Supports
- Resources - Articles, videos, links to answer Frequently Asked Questions.
- Consultation - An in depth response to a specific question. The Building Coach must be in the conversation.
- Prepared Sessions - Each Content Facilitator is preparing a session on the fundamentals of their content area. These sessions can be requested for buildings or teams.
- Coaching Cycle - Content Facilitators will lead a coaching cycle with an Academic Instructional Coach or a coach and team that includes a specific goal, new learning, observations, feedback and reflections.
Joint Professional Learning Committee
The Joint Professional Learning Committee includes representatives from the Evanston Teacher Assistant Association (ETAA) and District Educator Council (DEC). These volunteer members have committed to Make contributions from the varied perspectives they bring to the committee, collaborate in developing proposed professional learning design elements, and review feedback on professional learning sessions to determine viability and impact.
Joint Professional Learning Committee Classified
The Joint Professional Learning Committee Classified includes representatives from District 65 Educational Secretarial and Clerical Association (DESC) and other district roles. District goals, department needs and input from these colleagues, inform decisions for professional learning plans for all staff in the district.
Professional Learning Logic Model
Theory of Change
Acknowledge the current state (including disaggregated data), describe the initiative and supporting research that is expected to lead to outcomes and impact
Why is this professional learning opportunity needed?
Inputs (Resources) What resources does this professional learning opportunity use? | Activities (Strategies) What will be done with the resources? | Outputs (Deliverables) What changes can we expect from conducting this professional learning opportunity? | Outcomes (SHORT Term) Who will the professional learning opportunity reach? | Results/Impact (System Changes) How will we measure the benefits of this professional learning opportunity? |
Plan, Prepare, and Assess Implement, Monitor, and Improve Sustain and Scale-Up Whom do we expect to be affected and how? When do we expect to see effects? Are our outcomes realistic given resource or budget constraints? Are our outcomes clearly defined? |
Size and scope of the activity #educators participating Outcomes can include:
The direct results or benefits for individuals, families, groups, communities, organizations or systems Short term outcomes can be observed almost directly after the activities are completed Medium term outcomes can be observed in a few months or a year of the activity |
Long term impacts ultimate consequence of the activity Measurements Assessments / Interviews Principal Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes: Student Outcomes: |
Professional Learning Paths
Professional learning Tiers
Evanston-Skokie School District strives to provide professional learning for all staff as we learn to be a more just educational system. We offer a variety of high-quality opportunities and experiences to meet the demands of our staff in ways that best fit their learning styles. See the links below for our professional learning resources and options:
Our professional learning model continues to include:
- DISTRICT Time is used by district leadership to support district wide initiatives and professional learning needs.
- SCHOOL/ROLE Time is used by the local building leadership team to plan or select professional learning for building staff.
- EDUCATOR CHOICE Time is used by individuals to build their capacity to meet student needs through self-selected learning experiences.
D65 Coaching Model
The District 65 coaching model includes Academic Instructional Coaches supporting educators at the building level across all content areas. Content Facilitators, with experience in specific disciplines, provide content or program specific support, related to the district priorities. Together, the Academic Instructional Coaches and the Content Facilitators are positioned to provide job-embedded professional learning support and follow-up that leads to powerful practice and better outcomes for previously underserved students.
You Can't Have a Coaching Culture Without a Structure by Elena Aguilar
Professional Learning Calendar
Professional Learning Tools
PowerSchool Professional Learning
Professional Learning Planning Checklist
PowerSchool Professional Learning
Log into PowerSchool and use the calendar to see professional learning options. Register to secure your place in the coure and to accrue Professional Development Hours (PDH formerly known as CPDU’s)
PowerSchool Course Creation
Log into powerSchool and use this step by step guide to create a course for your staff or department.
Professional Learning Attendance Form
Use a copy of this form to have session participants sign in and sign out of the session. Educators desiring PDH must include their Illinois Educator Identification Number (IEIN)
Visit this site to find your IEIN and to record your PDH
SchoolMint (Formerly Known as Whetstone)
Log in to access coaching cycle documents
Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning
Professional Development Activity Audit Checklist
This document identifies what information needs to be retained for professional learning sessions. Any individual who prepares professional learning sessions is expected to retain the appropriate documentation to ensure educators can accrue PDH.