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Attendance Boundaries

NOTE: In spring 2022, our School Board approved new attendance boundaries as part of our Student Assignment Plan. New attendance boundaries will go into effect as early as the 2026-2027 school year. All current students will remain in their buildings/programs through this time. Once the Student Assignment Plan goes into effect, newly enrolled students will be assigned based on the new boundaries.

Stay tuned for additional updates.

Current Attendance Boundaries

New Attendance Boundaries (Begin 2026-27 School Year)

In March 2022, our School Board approved changes to student attendance boundaries as part of the District's new Student Assignment Plan. Students are assigned to a school based on where they live.

Boundary changes are necessary to accommodate students who will be assigned to attend the new school to be built in Evanston's 5th Ward and also to reduce transportation needs across the District. The Student Assignment Planning (SAP) Committee extensively looked at different scenarios for boundary considerations. 

New attendance boundaries are all within approximately one mile of students' homes.

Beginning in the 2026-2027 school year, all newly enrolled students will be assigned to their school based on the newly approved attendance boundaries. To support the transition and minimize disruption, current students may remain in their school beyond the 2026-2027 school year. However, there will be no transportation provided by the District.

In addition, while elementary students may remain in their current school through fifth grade, they must attend their newly assigned middle school beginning in sixth grade.

There is no change to the middle school feeder pattern.

Interactive Google Maps have been created to show current and future elementary and middle school attendance area boundaries.

Maps are intended for planning purposes only. Boundaries are subject to change.



  • Click on 'View Google Maps' to view in full screen mode.
  • Use the checkboxes on the left-side of the map to toggle on/off current boundaries and future boundaries.
  • Enter your home address (using the magnifying glass in the larger view option) to see your current and future attendance boundaries (note it may be necessary to zoom in/out).