District 65 Strategic Plan
Our beliefs, as a community, must inform the development of our goals and reflect future-oriented thinking in our ever-evolving school district. We are grateful for all of the input received during the 2021-2022 school year to help develop our new five-year strategic plan. This included input from various stakeholder groups as part of our curriculum audit, student assignment planning, master facility planning, and also collective visioning on areas of district focus for the future, including challenges and successes.
In spring 2020, our School Board approved our new five-year Strategic Plan. All of this input has informed the development of what we believe is a dynamic, actionable plan, including core values and goals. Measures are being developed to ensure we remain on-track and accountable for our progress.
- Strategic Goal 1: EQUITY
- Strategic Goal 2: ACCOUNTABILITY
- Strategic Goal 3: CURRICULUM
- Strategic Goal 4: HUMAN RESOURCES
- Strategic Goal 5: FISCAL MANAGEMENT