A-Z Contact Index
ABC Family Group
(847) 733-4337
Absence Reporting Questions (Students)
(847) 859-8088
Access to Innovate (A2I)
(847) 859-8032
Access to Innovate (Payments)
(847) 859-8016
Accounts Payable
(847) 859-8048 / (847) 859-8017
Achievement and Accountability Report
(847) 859-8061
ADA Reports
(847) 859-8042
Additional Assignment Forms (Employees)
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
African Centered Curriculum (ACC)
(847) 859-8004
Alternatives to Suspension
Contact: School Principal
Annual Budget
(847) 859-8043
Annual Financial Audit
(847) 859-8043
Annual Statement of Affairs
(847) 859-8042
Annual W-2 and 1099 Preparation
(847) 859-8043
Applied Research on District Priorities
(847) 859-8061
Assistive Technology
(847) 859-8089 / (847) 859-8534
Attendance Boundaries
(847) 859-8065
Audiological Evaluations
(847) 773-4331
Bell Schedules
(847) 859-8032
Benefit Days (Allocations and Audits)
(847) 859-8026
Beyond Diversity
(847) 859-8095
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee
(847) 859-8106
Bilingual/Dual Language Programming (TWI/ESL)
(847) 859-8104
Board Meeting Agenda/Materials/Minutes
(847) 859-8111
Bonds and Refinancing
(847) 859-8041
(847) 859-8044
Budget Amendments
(847) 859-8043 / (847) 859-8042
Buildings and Grounds Department
(847) 424-2421
Bullying Hotline
(847) 859-8070
Business Department
(847) 859-8040
Collective Bargaining Agreements
(847) 859-8021
Commercial Liability Insurance Committee (CLIC)
(847) 859-8041
Communications Department
(847) 859-8100
Community Partnerships
(847) 859-8103
Community Schools
(847) 733-4337
Community Welcome Center
(847) 859-8103
Complaint Manager
(847) 859-8021 / (847) 859-8041
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
(847) 859-8043
Computer Science
(847) 859-8053
Contracts (External Partners/Vendors)
(847) 859-8041 / (847) 859-8047
Coursework Approval (Employees)
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Crisis and Emergency Response Planning
(847) 859-8052
Curriculum Adoption Committee (CAC)
(847) 859-8032
Curriculum and Instruction Department
(847) 859-8030
Data Analysis Requests
(847) 859-8061
DCFS Referrals
(847) 859-8090
Deferred Compensation
(847) 859-8045
Digital Backpack (Community Flyer Approval)
(847) 859-8111
Disability (Employees)
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
District 65 Educators' Council (DEC)
(847) 424-2424
District 65 Mobile App
(847) 859-8100
District 65 Website
(847) 859-8100
District Equity Leadership Team (DELT)
(847) 859-8095
District Instructional Tech Committee
(847) 859-8032
(847) 859-8262
Early Childhood Programs
(847) 859-8031
Education Management Staffing Solution (ESS)
(847) 859-8021
Educator Licensure
(847) 859-8025 / (847) 859-8024
Eighth Grade Graduation
(847) 859-8052
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Employee Change of Information
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Employee Insurance Portal
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Employee Records
(847) 859-8021
Employee Report of Injury
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Employment Opportunities
(847) 859-8020
Employment Verification
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Enrollment Projections/Monitoring
(847) 859-8061
(847) 859-8095
Evaluation Tools/Records (Employees)
(847) 859-8021
EvanSTEM Partnership
(847) 859-8059
External Research Partnerships
(847) 859-8061
Facilities Management
(847) 424-2421
Facility Rental/Room Reservations
(847) 424-2420
Family Classes/Workshop Schedule
(847) 859-8103
Fast 5 e-Newsletter
(847) 859-8100
Federal/State Payroll Reporting
(847) 859-8045 / (847) 859-8044
Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications
(847) 859-8131
Freedom of Information Act Requests
(847) 859-8111
Frontline Recruiting and Hiring
(847) 859-8025 / (847) 859-8024
GCN (Account Set-Up)
(847) 859-8026
GCN (Access/Troubleshooting)
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Gender Support Plans (Students)
(847) 859-8090 / (847) 859-8095
Gender Support Plans (Staff)
(847) 859-8021
General HR Assistance
Email: askhr@district65.net
General Music
(847) 733-4340
Grants (Private, State, Federal)
(847) 859-8039
Grants (State and Federal Reporting/Compliance)
(847) 859-8042
Head Start Quality Assurance
(847) 859-8304
Health Services
(847) 859-8120
High Five! Staff Recognition Program
(847) 859-8021 / (847) 859-8100
Home/Hospital Instruction
(847) 859-8120
Human Resources Department
(847) 859-8020
Illinois Acceleration Act
(847) 859-8032
Individualized Education Plans (Development, Implementation, Compliance)
(847) 859-8090
Instructional Technology
(847) 859-8038 / (847) 859-8036
Instrumental Music
(847) 859-8651
Insurance (Health/Dental/Life)
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Investigations (HR)
(847) 859-8021
Joint Evaluation Committee
(847) 859-8021
Joint Insurance Committee
(847) 859-8021
Joint RIF Committee
(847) 859-8021
Joint Track Committee
(847) 859-8021
Joint Training Committee for Paraprofessionals
(847) 859-8021
Jordan Teacher Center
(847) 859-8037
Kindergarten Open Houses
(847) 859-8065
Kindergarten Registration
(847) 859-8065
Kronos (Accounts and Supervisor Support)
(847) 859-8026
Labor Relations
(847) 859-8021
Leaves of Absences
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Library Databases
(847) 859-8038 / (847) 859-8036
Limited School Choice (Magnet Schools/Programs)
(847) 859-8063
(847) 859-8012
Loan Forgiveness (Employees)
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Mailroom Operations
(847) 859-8063
Mandated Employee Training
(847) 859-8021
McKinney Vento Services
Media Relations
(847) 859-8100
Mental Health Crises/Hospitalizations
(847) 859-8090 / (847) 859-8098
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
(847) 859-8035
MyAlio (Access/Troubleshooting)
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
MyLearning Plan (Account Set-Up)
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
MyLearningPlan (General Information)
(847) 859-8052
(847) 859-8130
New Educator Induction
(847) 859-8004 / (847) 859-8035
New Family Support Services
(847) 859-8103
Non-Discrimination Coordinator
(847) 859-8021
Nutrition Services
(847) 859-8131
Occupational Therapy
(847) 859-8089
Orientation And Mobility Training
(847) 859-8089
Payments (Revtrak/Student Fees)
(847) 859-8015 / (847) 859-8016
Park School Advisory Committee
(847) 424-2301
Payroll Operations
(847) 859-8045 / (847) 859-8046
Permissive Transfers
(847) 859-8063
Physical Education (Grades 6-8)
(847) 859-8654
Physical Education (Grades K-5)
(847) 859-8171
Physical Therapy
(847) 859-8089
Planned Student Absences
(847) 859-8088
Private Facility Placements
(847) 344-3670
Professional Learning Logistics
(847) 859-8052
PTA Liasion
(847) 859-8100
Purchasing and P-card Program
(847) 859-8047
Quality Assurance (Student Data)
(847) 859-8061 / (847) 859-8064
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Research, Accountability, and Data Department
(847) 859-8060
Research Proposals
Email: research@district65.net
Residency Oversight/Hearings
(847) 859-8063
Responding to Racism, Discrimination, and Hate
(847) 859-8095
Restorative Practices
(847) 859-8215 / (847) 733-4334
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Rostering Data Tools
(847) 859-8077 / (847) 859-8064
Safe Haven Resolution
(847) 859-8031
SafeStop Mobile App
(847) 424-2425
School Age Child Care (SACC)
(847) 859-8078 / (847) 859-8118
School Age Child Care (Fees)
(847) 859-8015
School Calendar Development
(847) 859-8100
Section 504 Plans
(847) 859-8090
SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)
(847) 859-8095
SISK12 Student Information System
(847) 859-8063 / (847) 859-8064
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
(847) 859-8035
Social Sciences
(847) 859-8004
Social Work (District-wide)
(847) 859-8098
Special Investigations
(847) 859-8031
Special Services Department
(847) 859-8090
Speech/Language Therapy (Distric-wide)
(847) 859-8007
Staff ID Badges
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
State and Federal Reporting (HR)
(847) 859-8026
State Compliance Audit
(847) 859-8042
State Reporting and Compliance (Data)
(847) 859-8064
State Special Education Reporting/Reimbursements
(847) 859-8096
(847) 859-8051
Strategic Plan
(847) 859-8010
Student Activity Accounts
(847) 859-8044
Student Assessment Calendar
(847) 859-8035
Student Data Management
(847) 859-8077
Student Assessment Logistics
(847) 859-8077
Student Fees
(847) 859-8015 / (847) 859-8016
Student Handbook
(847) 859-8031
Student Placement Assistance
(847) 859-8063
Student Records
(847) 859-8065
Student Registration
(847) 859-8065
Student Teacher/Practicum Placements
(847) 859-8025 / (847) 859-8024
Student Transitions
(847) 859-8090
Students Organized Against Racism (SOAR)
(847) 733-4337
(847) 859-8021
Summer Building Use
(847) 424-2421
Summer Curriculum Projects
(847) 859-8032
Summer School
(847) 859-8004
Summer School (Special Education)
(847) 859-8094
Sustainability/Green Teams
(847) 859-8041
Talent Ed
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Tax Levy
(847) 859-8041
Technology Assistance (Employees)
Email: support@district65.net
Technology Help Desk (Employees)
(847) 859-4444
Therapeutic Day
(847) 344-3670
Title I and ESSA Reporting
(847) 859-8039
Transportation Claims
(847) 859-8043
Transportation Services (Students)
(847) 424-2425
TRS/IMRF (Employee Retirement Funds) Reporting
(847) 859-8045
(847) 859-8088
Tuition Reimbursement
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Unemployment Claims
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Visual Arts
(847) 859-8570
Volunteer Background Checks
(847) 859-8027 / (847) 859-8019
Wellness Council
(847) 733-4340 / (847) 905-3411
Workers' Compensation
(847) 859-8023 / (847) 859-8022
Workers' Compensation (SELF)
(847) 859-8041