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Safe Haven Schools


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In District 65, we enthusiastically embrace our responsibility to welcome and educate all students and to celebrate every child's contribution to our diverse learning community. On January 23, 2017, the District 65 School Board unanimously approved a resolution declaring District 65 as a 'Safe Haven School District.' This resolution is consistent with state and federal law while ensuring that our schools remain safe and welcoming places for all children and families, regardless of immigration status. Highlights of this resolution include:

  • All schools are considered safe havens for students and families threatened by immigration enforcement or discrimination, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • Students and families will not be asked by school officials to provide their immigration status or asked to produce any documentation regarding their status.
  • Unless specifically required by federal, state, or local law, district resources will not be used to detect or assist in the apprehension of anyone whose only violation of law is or may be being unlawfully present in the United States.
  • Unless compelled by federal, state, or local law or subsequent to receiving a signed release, District 65 will not disclose to any person or entity any information about a student under the protection of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or the Illinois Student Records Act.
  • All school residency determinations will be made without regard to immigration status.
  • The Superintendent will review all warrants related to immigration enforcement.
  • Entry will not be granted for administrative warrants.
  • Regarding criminal warrants, entry will only be granted after the Superintendent confirms that a warrant is criminal and appropriate measures are in place to ensure student safety.
  • The District will honor the provisions of the IL Trust Act (SB31) on campus by ensuring that nobody is detained without a criminal warrant and nobody is stopped, arrested, searched, or detained solely based on immigration status or citizenship.

Resources for Immigrant and Refugee Families

All of the following websites have resources in Spanish

James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy - local legal organization that offers free legal services to District 65 families. 

National Immigrant Justice Center - comprehensive legal services at no or low cost, know-your-rights guidance

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - family support hotline, updates on immigration law and policies, citizenship classes, access to other education, healthcare and other benefits

The Immigration Advocates Network - national directory free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers 

American Civil Liberties Union – information on the latest immigration policies, know-your-rights guidance, legal assistance

Centro Romero – direct service representation, immigration education and advocacy

Catholic Charities – legal services, immigrant rights workshops, immigration and naturalization services

United We Dream – resources for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) youth, assistance with deportation proceedings, education options

World Relief – immigration and citizenship consultations, immigrant refugee resettlement

Refugee One – refugee resettlement, immigration and citizenship services, job readiness 

Family Preparedness

  • Verify your child’s school has the most up-to-date emergency contact information (how to update contact information with District 65)
  • Complete a family preparedness plan in case you are not able to care for your children.  The Moran Center has templates to use in English and Spanish
    • The Moran Center provided a workshop on 1/27/25 on how to complete a Family Preparedness Plan and Short Term Guardianship paperwork. View recording of the workshop
    • The State of Illinois Short Term Guardianship forms can be accessed here: English / Spanish
    • You can also request help from the school’s social worker to complete the plan if you need support.

Emotional Support

Look Through Their Eyes – resources for identification, support and services for children and youth how have experienced trauma

The following is a list of mental health providers in the area:

Additional resources and contact information