Resources: Conflict in Israel/Palestine
Resources for Educators, Families to discuss the events in Israel and Gaza with Students
(San Diego County Office of Education)
Supporting Youth Affected by the Violence in Israel and Gaza: Tips for Families and Educators
(National Association of School Psychologists)
Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Teachers of Elementary School Children
(American Psychological Association)
Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for parents and teachers of middle school children
(American Psychological Association)
How to talk to kids about violence, crime, and war
(Common Sense Media)
Explaining News to Our Kids
(Common Sense Media)
Helping children to cope with tragedy
(National Association of Elementary School Principals)
Antisemitism and Its Impact Explainer
(Facing History)
Talking to Children about War
(National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
How To Talk to Kids About Antisemitism and Why It’s Important
Addressing Antisemitic Hate with Students
(Learning for Justice)
United Against Islamophobia
(Cook County)