Structural Deficit Reduction Plan
District 65 is facing a budget deficit of approximately $13.2 million for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. This deficit includes all funds except the capital projects fund. Reductions must be made by the start of the next fiscal year (July 1, 2025). We recognize that reductions of this magnitude will be challenging and are committed to centering the needs of students as we improve the financial health of the district.
At the January 13 Committee of the Whole meeting, District 65 and the School Board discussed a detailed deficit reduction plan focused on the following components:
- Staff reduction plan
- Better match district footprint to student enrollment levels
- Plan to identify resources to address major capital needs
- Deliver special education services in a more cost-effective manner if supported by data
- Deliver transportation services in a more cost-effective manner if supported by data
Staff reduction plan
- Reduce non-classroom positions by assessing operational value and staffing level efficiencies.
- Reduce classroom positions by matching class sizes to current targeted guidelines.
- Eliminate programs and functions that are not generating a positive return on investment.
Staff reductions will be recommended after further analysis and after discussions with affected bargaining units.
Better match district footprint to student enrollment levels
- Student enrollment has dropped by 1,766 from the 2017-2018 school year to the 2023-2024 school year.
- Complete staffing and operational efficiencies can not be achieved without consolidation of schools.
- The District should weigh master facility projects within consolidation decisions. View Master Facilities Plan webpage
Plan to identify resources to address major capital needs
- D65 does not have the fund balance reserve levels to adequately address its master facilities plan.
- The District will likely need to use proceeds from the sale of facilities and debt issuances to address capital needs.
- The Board should develop a timeline to address master facilities plan based on prioritization of projects.
- The District should then match a borrowing plan timeline to its master facilities plan timeline.
Deliver special education services in a more cost-effective manner if supported by data
- Make recommendations around the effective usage of the programs run at Park and Rice.
- Make recommendations around usage of special education services from entities outside of the District.
- Evaluate the current usage of outside agencies for special education labor force within District buildings.
- Analyze optimization of state and federal grant reimbursements.
Deliver transportation services in a more cost-effective manner if supported by data
All current D65 staff and families automatically receive budget and finance updates. If you’re a community member who would also like to receive emails regarding the Structural Deficit Reduction Plan, please sign up here!
The District 65 School Board is responsible for approving an annual budget by September 30 each year. In the spirit of transparency, a public hearing is held in advance to gather community thoughts and feedback. The budget:
- includes a plan for district revenues (funds brought in) and expenditures (funds spent)
- must be displayed at least 30 days prior to its adoption
- serves as the basis for D65's annual tax levy
View a brief overview of the D65 budget here:
Budget Quick Facts
Average District spending per pupil
Projected FY2025 Expenditures*
*Does not include any adjustments in compensation levels from negotiations with DEC
Projected FY2025 Revenues
Portion of annual budget spent on instruction*
*Does not include textbooks, supplies, learning materials, paraprofessionals, school administrators, or professional learning/training
Portion of annual budget spent on central office administrators (directors, managers, payroll, HR, technology, etc.)
Portion of annual budget spent on salaries and benefits
At least $13.2 million of reductions are needed by July 1, 2025, to improve District 65's financial health.
Sources: District 65's Illinois Report Card; September 16, 2024 Board presentation, pie chart below provided by Financial Services Department.
Pie Chart of FY2025 Budget
Financial Equity
District 65 has adopted a Racial and Educational Equity Statement, which commits to providing equitable outcomes for all students. Prioritizing an equity focus can mean spending more in certain areas to make sure all students have access to a safe, joyful, rigorous learning environment. For a snapshot of District 65's student demographics, please visit the Quick Facts webpage.
For more on the District 65 budget, please visit the Budget & Finance webpage.
Engagement Opportunities & Resources
The Structural Deficit Reduction Plan is discussed at School Board meetings as a standing agenda item. Visit the School Board's website to see the meeting schedule, sign up for meeting notices, and more. Members of the public are welcome and invited to sign up at the beginning of the meeting to address the Board on district-related topics.
This will be updated as meetings are scheduled.
Date | Location | Meeting | Topics | Links |
1/27/2025 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Regular Board of Education Meeting |
1/17/2025 |
South End Community Center, 430 Asbury Ave., Evanston Meeting took place in Gym |
Community Listen & Learn - open to all members of the community |
Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/16/2025 |
Nichols Middle Meeting took place in Nichols Cafeteria |
Community Listen & Learn - open to all members of the community |
Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/16/2025 | Virtual via Zoom | Staff Listen & Learn |
Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/16/2025 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
School Leader Collaborative - principals and assistant principals |
Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/15/2025 |
Haven Middle Meeting took place in Haven Cafeteria |
Community Listen & Learn - open to all members of the community |
Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/15/2025 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Staff Listen & Learn |
Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/15/2025 | Fleetwood-Jourdain Center 1655 Foster St., Evanston |
Foster Senior Club meeting |
Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 1/19/25) |
1/13/2025 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Committee of the Whole Meeting |
12/18/2024 | Virtual via Zoom | Meeting with local and District leaders of Individualized Education Services |
Meeting summary will be posted soon Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 12/16/24) |
12/17/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Superintendent's Parent/Caregiver Advisory Council |
12/16/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Regular Board of Education Meeting |
12/16/2024 | Virtual via Zoom | Superintendent Student Advisory Committee |
12/16/2024 9:30 a.m. |
Fleetwood-Jourdain Center 1655 Foster St., Evanston |
Community Listen & Learn - open to all members of the community |
12/12/2024 6:30-7:45 p.m. |
Nichols Middle Meeting took place in Nichols Cafeteria |
Community Listen & Learn - open to all members of the community |
Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 12/16/24) |
12/12/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
School Leader Collaborative - principals and assistant principals |
Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 12/16/24) |
12/11/2024 | Washington Elementary 914 Ashland Ave., Evanston |
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting |
12/11/2024 | Virtual via Zoom | Staff Listen & Learn |
Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 12/16/24) |
12/11/2024 | Virtual via Zoom | Meeting with union leadership |
12/10/2024 | Virtual via Zoom | PTA Council meeting |
12/10/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Staff Listen & Learn |
Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 12/16/24) |
12/9/2024 |
Chute Middle Meeting took place in Chute Cafeteria |
Community Listen & Learn - open to all members of the community |
Meeting presentation: English / Spanish Opportunity to share thoughts virtually (Note: Survey closed 11:59 p.m. 12/16/24) |
12/9/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Committee of the Whole Meeting |
11/20/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Superintendent's Parent/Caregiver Advisory Council |
Meeting summary |
11/4/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Committee of the Whole Meeting |
10/28/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Regular Board of Education Meeting |
9/16/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Regular Board of Education Meeting |
9/3/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Committee of the Whole Meeting |
Board presentation - reduction planning |
8/5/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Committee of the Whole Meeting |
4/15/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Personnel, Building & Grounds, and Finance Committee Meeting |
3/11/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Personnel, Building & Grounds, and Finance Committee Meeting |
2/12/2024 | Joseph E. Hill Education Center 1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston |
Personnel, Building & Grounds, and Finance Committee Meeting |
Communications Archive
The communications below are not intended to be a comprehensive list. For more than a year, District 65's financial outlook has been at the forefront of communication efforts, ranging from formal, community-wide letters to grassroots, everyday conversations.
Date | Communication | Key Points |
1/15/2025 | Key Takeaways: Structural Deficit Reduction Scenarios (English / Spanish) |
1/10/2025 | Important Update: Structural Deficit Scenarios (PDF of English and Spanish) |
12/3/2024 | Listen & Learn: Structural Deficit Reduction Plan (PDF of English and Spanish) |
9/18/2024 | Executive Summary: FY25 Budget & Next Steps (English / Spanish) |
8/8/2024 | No Time to Lose: A note from Superintendent Dr. Angel Turner (English / Spanish) |
7/29/2024 |
FY24 Budget Update: Executive Summary and Next Steps (English / Spanish) |
2/15/2024 |
D65 Financial Projections & Next Steps (Read on D65 website) |
Give Feedback
Note: Efforts to address the structural deficit have been ongoing.
Spring 2024
First phase of reductions made (approximately $6.5 million)
Fall 2024
Ongoing stakeholder engagement and internal analysis, according to framework for reductions
9/3: Structural Deficit Reduction Plan framework presented
9/16: FY2025 budget approved
11/4: Structural Deficit Reduction Plan consultant selected (Student-Centered Services)
Winter 2024-Spring 2025
Community engagement, next phase of reductions presented, approved, and operationalized (approximately $13.2 million)
December: Monthlong community engagement meetings with internal, external stakeholders
1/13: Board hears detailed presentation on how and where reductions will be made
1/15-1/17: Community engagement meetings
1/27: Board votes on reductions
Summer 2025
Structural Deficit Reduction Plan goes into effect at start of FY2026 (July 1, 2025)